As I See It

Turns out Sweden didn’t get it right



Predicting the future is hard. But hindsight is 20/20. Except, apparently, for U.S. Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin. Johnson was critical of efforts to slow the spread of the coronavirus by putting the country in lockdown. He mocked the notion of quarantining as the best way to stay safe. Instead, he promoted what he called the Sweden model in interviews on this station and elsewhere. In Sweden, they didn’t go into lockdown. Businesses , including restaurants and gyms, didn’t close and people went about their business as usual. They tried to coexist with the virus, rather than declare war on it. Early on, that seemed to be working, based on the numbers they revealed. Turns out, it didn’t work. Sweden now has one of the highest death rates among any country in Europe. It has a higher death rate from the coronavirus than the United States. The country has admitted its system for dealing with Covid-19 failed, that its system of dealing with it collapsed. But Senator Johnson apparently thinks the Swedes got it right. He has yet to issue a statement saying the Swedish model he boasted of has been a failure. Johnson is the Chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, with a direct hand in shaping policies dealing with the coronavirus. He should stop touting Sweden’s success in dealing with the virus, because that success was rather short-lived.

1 Comment

  1. Joe

    June 10, 2020 at 9:55 am

    It is all in the eyes of the person reading the data. Sweden has had less deaths per 100,000 than a number of countries that did lock down. There are some countries reporting low death rates but we have really no way of knowing if they are truthful numbers so you should throw them out. Once that is done Sweden is right in the middle of the pack. Hmmm… Doesn’t seem like the lockdown helped all that much. Everyone has a right to their opinion but I disagree with yours Sott Robert Shaw.

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