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As I See It

You’re doing it wrong La Crosse



Local cases of coronavirus continue to surge. La Crosse county, which had just 55 cases in March, April and May combined, is now well over 300 cases. Most of those cases have come in the month of June. What is behind the rapid spread? According to the La Crosse County Health Department, it is due to more than just increased testing. While the number of tests administered locally has gone up, the number to focus on is the percentage of positive cases. Since the pandemic began, La Crosse had seen a rate of positive tests of less than two percent. That number is now well over three percent. The majority of cases are among people in their twenties. It seems, for many of the younger generation, they think they are somehow immune for the virus, or if they get it, they won’t get very sick. What they seemingly are not considering is that if they do get sick they can pass it on to others, who may not be as healthy. Perhaps their server, or their grandparents. We’ve heard stories of some in La Crosse who tested positive for the virus, then went downtown to hit the bars rather than follow the advice of quarantining for 14 days. Some who have been to areas considered hotspots for the virus who are asked to fill out a form so the county can contract trace, are choosing not to do so out of embarrassment. All of these behaviors are helping infect more people. So, remember to follow the advice of our health experts. If you are sick, stay home. When you go out, avoid large groups, and practice social distancing. And while we shouldn’t have to say it, if you get the virus, let the county know, and skip happy hour until you are better.

Scott Robert Shaw served as WIZM Program Director and News Director, and delivered the morning news on WKTY, Z-93 and 95.7 The Rock. Scott had been at Mid-West Family La Crosse since 1989, and retired in 2024

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1 Comment

  1. Mike Sladky

    June 27, 2020 at 10:11 am

    I didn’t realize you are a medical infectious disease expert.

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