
La Crosse schools will start class Sept. 1, but only online



The first month of classes this fall for the La Crosse School District will be taught online only, because the risk of spreading COVDI-19 remains high in the area.

La Crosse Superintendent Aaron Engel made that announcement Monday night during an hour-long special school board meeting.

Engel said virtual learning is set to begin Sept. 1, and a decision on whether to go back to the classrooms in October will be made about halfway through September, based on recommendations from the La Crosse County health department.

The superintendent added that when in-person classes do resume, all students and staff will have to wear face coverings.

Engel said that rule may have to continue until a vaccine is available for COVID-19.

Younger students would return to school buildings first, and it might take much longer before middle and high school students could resume in-person classes.

Engel said it’s possible that the fall sports might be shifted to the spring, and spring sports could be moved to the summer next year. The WIAC, in which the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse competes, cancelled its fall sports Monday night.

The school district will keep families updated on any changes through its official website.

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