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As I See It

Too bad for Milwaukee, but will many miss the convention?



This was supposed to be a big week for the state of Wisconsin and the city of Milwaukee. The Democratic National Convention, which was to be held in Wisconsin’s biggest city, will, like nearly everything in 2020, has had to go virtual. This was a chance for the national spotlight to shine on Wisconsin, and it certainly would have provided a boost to the economy. Millions was spent preparing for the event which was expected to draw 50,000 people and have a $200 million economic impact. But aside from the economic impact, will we really miss the convention? All that pomp and circumstance, the signs, the speeches, the applause. We get it, you really like each other.  We already know what the outcome will be. It has all the suspense and intrigue of an Adam Sandler movie. Joe Biden will formally accept his party’s nomination for President. But there won’t be the long bouts of applause interrupting every other word that the party hierarchy say. As a result it will go much faster. Maybe this is the wave of the future. Maybe we don’t need these big production numbers that masquerade as official, important, party business. Perhaps the only ones really missing the 2020 convention are the rich donors who show up to glad-hand the politicians, and be wined and dined in their luxury suites. And I think I’m ok with that.

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