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Activism groups rally at Copeland shortly after Biden is declared election winner



About 50 people gathered in Copeland Park on Saturday for a rally celebrating Joe Biden’s election as president.

The “Voters Decided Celebration” was organized by Opportunity Wisconsin, Citizen Action, and other groups which arranged a similar event at Riverside Park on the day after the election.

Saturday’s rally was announced a few hours before news organizations declared that Democrat Biden had reached 270 electoral votes in the race against President Donald Trump.

UW-L student Wyatt Molling told the audience that there can “never be too many activists” in politics.

Molling, who says he was insulted often while campaigning for candidates this fall, said Americans shouldn’t expect too much from any president, because they have limitations, and cannot fulfill everything they may promise.

Kathy Allen, chair of the Coulee Region Group Sierra Club, called Saturday the “best best day ever.”

But Allen also commented on the unusually warm November weather and warned that it was a sign of a changing climate.

She called on both political parties to take more action to reduce fossil fuel use, especially at power plants in western Wisconsin.


  1. Randy Hubert

    November 8, 2020 at 7:53 am

    Crooked election in 4 cities. Milwaukee Detroit Atlanta and Phili. Destroyed our election credibility. Let the socialism start.

    • Jeff Blakeley

      November 8, 2020 at 7:29 pm

      The MEDIA declared Biden the winner. Unfortunately it’s FAKE NEWS MEDIA trying to call the shots. All the ballots need to be validated, the lawsuits ironed out, the recounts completed and THEN the Electoral College votes. Until then there is no valid evidence anyone has won the election. You all need to go back and take Civics 101 over again, especially the MEDIA. Might want to toss in a real Journalism class to boot.

  2. Jaysen Yoder

    November 9, 2020 at 2:38 pm

    Which MEDIA Mr. Blakeley? Let me guess, any outlet not named FOX. Even though there’s been absolutely no evidence let’s scream and cry that the election’s been stolen just because our guy didn’t win. And those of you on the right like to say that “lefty snowflakes” like to whine! Pot…meet kettle.

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