As I See It
Wisconsin Republicans becoming the party of “no”
They have become the party of “no.” No matter what ideas Wisconsin’s governor proposes to reduce the spread of Covid-19 and to deal with its economic impact have been shot down by the Republican-led legislature. Mask mandate? No. Limits on indoor gatherings? No. In his latest proposal, Governor Tony Evers calls for more money for testing, a ban on evictions through next year, tax breaks for Wisconsin businesses hurt by the pandemic, even allowing notaries to provide online notarization. Hardly radical stuff. The Republican response? No, no and no. Both the Senate President and Assembly Speaker say they don’t like the governor’s plan, and don’t seem to think the legislature even needs to return to session to debate it. Further, the republican leadership has yet to offer a single plan of it’s own to deal with the virus. It has been seven long months since the Wisconsin legislature has passed a single bill to deal with the coronavirus. Even as cases, hospitalizations and deaths all spike in the state. If our lawmakers can’t come up with their own plans to keep us safe and boost the economy, they should at least be willing to listen to the governor’s ideas. Instead, all we hear is no, no, no.
November 19, 2020 at 10:31 am
To our legislators: No? Republicans need to publish answers as to there reasoning. It is my belief that Republicans are not taking care of the needs of Wisconsin residents. In Rock County, the clerk and Staff are being threatened by the radical right. I want more testing and it needs to be availabke in every county. Green County numbers are going up, the virus cases going up every day for weeks and virus is spreading because of in home gatherings. Thanks giving and Xmas gatherings need to be curtailed due to numbers. This is not rocket science but common sense. Please do your job! I want you to work together to protect us and help economically. If you can’t work together its time for you to leave.