MAYOR KABAT: La Crosse police have essentially suspended alternate-side parking fines for time being

Complaints received and action taken.
That’s essentially how La Crosse Mayor Tim Kabat broke it down Monday, announcing the police have suspended fining people for alternate-side parking. Well, there are still tickets and fines, but they won’t impact your wallet.
“There was a group of folks through social media and phone calls, really upset and adamant about not collecting fines during this relatively warm weather that we’re experiencing in December,” Kabat said on La Crosse Talk PM.
Kabat contacted La Crosse Police Chief Shawn Kudron and Assistant Chief Rob Abrham, asking if anything could be done.
“I had reached out to both the chief and the assistant chief about maybe just relaxing the fine amounts for the time being,” Kabat said. “To their credit, they worked with their people and there’s a $0 fine if somebody got an overnight parking ticket, starting either Sunday or Monday.”
“So, I’ve got to give them a lot of credit because,” Kabat added. “Again, the city gets the rap that this is just simply a revenue generator and it’s really not. Although it does generate tickets and it does help pay for a parking utility, but it’s really about the issues that go along with trying to maintain a transportation network around the city, especially when we get heavy snowfall.”
WIZM will hopefully have more info Tuesday from police on how long the $0 fines will last and whether anyone who already received an alternate-side parking ticket can get those fines thrown out or reduced.