Too many complaints about watchdog group that doesn’t exist yet, says DA
The arguments about a proposed citizen advisory board for police matters in La Crosse are a bit premature, according to one law enforcement official.
District attorney Tim Gruenke says La Crosse County is weeks or months away from actually appointing such a board.
“I think we’re a long ways away from seeing how the end product could even look or would look,” said Gruenke, who chairs the county’s Criminal Justice Management Council. “It’s just a little bit early to be having definite concerns because we’re not sure in the end (how) this is gonna look or who’s gonna be on it.”
The CJMC will set up the advisory board. A subcommittee of the council has been criticized publicly for not including law enforcement professionals in the study process.
Gruenke says the people who volunteered for the subcommittee have a tough task to complete.