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As I See It

Now is a good time to get your dose



Have you gotten your shots yet? Great progress has been made in getting people vaccinated from the Coronavirus, but the last push is likely to be the hardest. About 40% of Americans have received their first shot, while one-fourth have gotten both doses. The numbers are even better in Wisconsin. I was fortunate to receive my second dose this week, so in two weeks I should be fully immunized. That means trips to see the kids, my mother, maybe even a Brewer game. It will feel good, after a long year, to hug out of town family and to be around people again. I got my shots at the Cleary Center on campus, and it could not have gone more smoothly. A few questions, one poke, a brief wait, and I was in and out in about 20 minutes. And they often have extra doses available at the end of the day so those interested can call and be notified if shots are available. It is an expeditious process, and currently there are more doses than there is demand. We need to get the rest of the population inoculated, and the sooner we do, the sooner this pandemic can be brought under control. If you are on the fence about getting your shots, I can tell you it is easy, quick, and largely pain free. You can probably even get one today. So, what are you waiting for?

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