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River Clean Up, La Crosse event Saturday

River Clean Up, La Crosse is seeking volunteers to help keep our ways clean and healthly.



River Clean Up, La Crosse has been helping keep the area beautiful for nearly 30 years.

Saturday is your chance to help.

The 28th Annual River Clean Up, La Crosse is happening from 8 a.m.-noon at four different landings in the County.

Classic Hits 94.7 caught up with Amy Smith, who has been involved with the river cleanup for over 10 years.

Smith says they “ask for volunteers to come, either by boat or by foot, and pick up junk so we can have cleaner, healthier waterways around.”

Register to volunteer here or show up Saturday morning at a landing: Clinton Street West Landing, 7th Street Landing, Goose Island West Landing or Fred Funk Landing on Brice Prairie.

In 27 years so far Smith says the group has collected over 700,000 pounds of junk.

“We’re excited to hit that million mark, hopefully it’ll happen in the next couple of years, ” Smith said, noting it would be better if there were no garbage to have to clean.

Smith added it will be interesting this year because the water is really low right now.

“I think the shorelines are exposed,” she said, “so we’ll have a lot of people walking the shoreline finding that little stuff, filling trash bags full of just junk.”

She also highlighted that it’s a great family event for all ages. They’ve had everyone from age 2 to 80 involved as great volunteers.

“Any age can do this; walking around picking up trash,” she said. “Expect to get muddy, expect to get a little wet, dress for the weather, but it’s a good time and it’s a fun event.”

Tracy has worked at Mid-West Family La Crosse since 2004. She is the host of The Morning Buzz on Z93 and a regular contributor at Mid-West Family La Crosse. Tracy also coordinates Z93's charity, Zcare. She also writes and performs with the local comedy group Heart of La Crosse.

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