Family & Home
King Street apartment plans referred for 60 days

A developer who wants to put apartments on a King Street lot surrounded by family homes will get a few more weeks to make possible changes in the plan.
The La Crosse city council has referred the 16-unit housing project for 60 days, after two city committees voted against it last week.
Council member Jennifer Trost believes developer Kevin Biondo should have some time to talk with King Street neighbors after two denials from City Hall in one night.
“I believe the developer needs some time to react to the concerns of the neighbors, and to make changes to this proposal,” said Trost.
One of those council opponents, Chris Woodard, says “We need to start listening to the neighbors. They live in that area. We bring their voices to the council, and I think we need to keep that in mind. If we okay this one rezoning, we’re opening up a dangerous door for that neighborhood.”
People on that block who live in single-family homes worry that apartments will strain parking availability, and could lead to more low-income housing in the neighborhood.