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As I See It

Proposed new rules would make our roads less safe



Much progress has been made in the fight against the Coronavirus. Vaccination rates continue to climb, although slowly, and death and hospitalization rates are down. But we remain divided about what comes next. And once again, the fight is over masks, and vaccinations. One Wisconsin state lawmaker has ramped up the rhetoric, all because of a little museum in Stevens Point. State Rep. Shae Storwell took to Facebook to rant about the mask policies at the Stevens Point Children’s Museum. They have a policy that anyone over the age of 5 who is not vaccinated wear a mask while visiting the museum. That is to protect the health of their patrons, many of them grandparents visiting the museum with their grandchildren still too young to be vaccinated. But Storwell finds that policy to be too much, posting on Facebook “The Gestapo wants to see your papers.” Really? Comparing the inconvenience of wearing masks to the murder of 6 million people? And what does he care? To my knowledge he has never been to the Stevens Point Children’s Museum and has no plans to go. They are free to set their own policies. Yet they were besieged with calls and online comments from all across the country criticizing their policies. It is shameful that a state representative would attack a little museum with such a heinous analogy. Let’s hope voters there remember that at the next election.

Scott Robert Shaw served as WIZM Program Director and News Director, and delivered the morning news on WKTY, Z-93 and 95.7 The Rock. Scott had been at Mid-West Family La Crosse since 1989, and retired in 2024

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