As I See It
Arizona audit findings should be a guide for Wisconsin
No matter how hard they look, they have yet to find what they are looking for. In fact, they found the opposite. A review of the 2020 election results in Arizona conducted by a third party, the hyper-partisan Cyber Ninjas, failed to find the election was stolen, or fraudulent, or the outcome different. Despite all the claims to the contrary, Donald Trump did not defeat Joe Biden in Arizona. In fact, the group said its investigation uncovered 99 additional votes for Biden, and 261 fewer for Trump in Maricopa County. None of the claims of fraud held up. Still, disbelievers continue to hint at a tainted election, suggesting that duplicate ballots may have been counted, that some ballot signatures were suspect, that some ballots may have come from wrong addresses. None of the claims held up. This should be a guide for the state of Wisconsin, which continues to waste taxpayer money to find this nonexistent fraud. An investigation into the election in Wisconsin is being conducted by a third-party as well, again led by those eager to find a different outcome than came on election night. What we saw in Arizona should tell them that the claims of election fraud are baseless, and our elections are secure. We don’t need another witch hunt to find out what we already know.