As I See It

To fest, or not to fest?



To fest, or not to fest, that is the question. La Crosse’s 60th annual Oktoberfest is now underway. Despite being one of the biggest weekend in the city, fest was cancelled last year due to the pandemic. That followed guidance from the county health department. Of course Covid remains with us as this year’s fest gets underway, but the county health department has given this year’s event the green light. With some caveats. They say people are best protected when they are vaccinated, wearing masks and socially distancing. While there is plenty of space on the festgrounds, and it is held outside, it can also get pretty crowded. And it is likely few will be wearing masks. The county health department did throw some shade at Oktoberfest when they recently suggested all large events be cancelled without specifically referring to the festival itself. La Crosse’s Mayor points out that nothing has changed in the county’s guidance. But the director of the county health department tells WIZM News she will be participating virtually, watching the parade on television. Clearly, the health director doesn’t think its safe to be around that many people who may or may not be vaccinated. It is hard to know just whose guidance to trust. If Oktoberfest is in your plans, have fun, be safe and raise a glass in a toast that we’ll soon see an end to this pandemic and that next year we won’t have to wonder if we should or shouldn’t take part in La Crosse’s biggest festival of the year.

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