Over 900 calls, eight jailed and 106 ticketed in La Crosse over Oktoberfest weekend

Over the four-day Oktoberfest weekend, the La Crosse Police Department responded to 925 calls for service. Eight people were jailed. And 106 received citations — 70 of those for underage drinking.
The count represents calls from 6 a.m. Oct. 1 through 6 a.m. Oct. 4.
Of those calls, two were hit-and-runs. The first happened Friday. The person was later arrested on I-90 and also charged with their second OWI.
The second hit-an-run happened Saturday, where a light pole was struck. Exposed wires were taken care of but later in the evening, people tried taking the light pole, exposing the wires again, in which those wires were taken care of. No word on whether anyone was arrested for trying to take a light pole.
Also Friday, a breaking an entry, where property was damaged. Police were also called for an overdose — the victim did recover — and another individual tried resisting arrest, which “caused an injury to an officer,” police said. They were arrested on a slew of charges.
On Saturday, a group of people decided to play “chicken” with traffic and later broke out into a fight. No charges were filed. Another person was robbed by two strangers — money being taken. That is still under investigation. Some kids’ bikes were stolen from the carnival, but police were able to return them. Lastly on Saturday, someone was arrested after yelling at people while holding up a knife.
On Sunday, along with a continuing investigation on a stolen vehicle, there were also numerous calls on a person causing property damage and acting “suspicious.” They were arrested.
Police said this information is considered early and preliminary information. They added that in many instances, the circumstances, facts, and even the type of crime listed, could change as officers and investigators continue working.
Also noted, along with these 925 calls, police said “Officers had thousands of other contacts that were not captured with a call for service — such as educational reminders, community engagement and help with directions, to name a few.”
Officers responded to the following calls:
140 – 911 Hang-up
25 – Domestic Disturbances
12 – Vehicle Accidents
23 – Driving Complaints
25 – Found property
33 – Noise Complaints
164 – Out With Person
32 – Parking
59 – Suspicious Activity
36 – Traffic Stops
87 – Trouble with Person
89 – Welfare Check
Municipal citations:
Underage alcohol consumption: 70
Public Consumption: 11
Indecent exposure/public urination: 10
Obstructing an Officer: 2
Disorderly Conduct: 5
Loud Noise Prohibited: 1
Poss. Of False Identification: 1
Poss. Of THC: 1
Poss. Of Drug Paraphernalia: 1
Littering: 1
Retail Theft: 1
Trespassing: 2
Oktoberfest related arrests:
Jailed = 8
Released on Signature Bond = 1
Released to Responsible Party = 2
Related Charges:
Substantial Battery – 940.19(2)
Resisting Causing Injury to a Police Officer – 946.41(2r)
Battery – 940.19(1)
Disorderly Conduct – 947.01
Resisting/Obstructing an Officer – 946.41(1)
Possession of Cocaine – 961.41(3g)(am)
Operating while Under the Influence (First Offense) – 346.63(1)(a)
Underage Drinking – 125.07(4)(b)
Probation Violation – 973.10
Bail Jumping (Felony) – 946.49(1)(b)