As I See It
La Crosse a welcoming area once again
La Crosse has long been a welcoming city. But sometimes we need to be reminded of that. La Crosse mayor Mitch Reynolds has told federal officials that the city is prepared to roll out the welcome mat for Afghan refugees currently being housed at Ft. McCoy. That follows a similar announcement by La Crosse County. It is good we are being so welcoming. These 13,000 being housed at Ft. McCoy have had their lives upended by war, landing far away in a strange land, many with children in tow. It is not their fault they are here. They may not be alive if they weren’t. It isn’t likely a large number of refugees will land in La Crosse. Of the 13,000 being processed there, it is estimated only 400 will end up residing in Wisconsin. The number in La Crosse would likely be much smaller. La Crosse has seen this before, with the influx of Hmong refugees who for decades have been part of the fabric of our community, serving as school board members and police officers and other forms of public service. They have helped make our community a better place. That is why it is good to see La Crosse extend the welcome mat for these refugees.
Kent Porter
October 12, 2021 at 5:57 am
AS I SEE IT : the Afgan Refugees should be let into america on their MERIT , same as the people from Guatamala , Honduras and Hatiti , And ALL SHOULD BE VETTED AND CHECKED FOR COMMUNICABLE Illness .