Billings talks with La Crosse council about state work on local concerns
Is state government in Wisconsin paying enough attention to homelessness? La Crosse representative Jill Billings wants to see greater regional and state involvement in helping those without shelter.
Billings spoke to La Crosse city council members Tuesday night, and said the city is heavily involved because homeless people seek services available here.
Democrat Billings says Republicans in Madison have been helpful, but they recently had an assistance plan that no communities were applying for.
“They realized that they had, I think it was a $50,000 match, and a lot of communities said, we can’t come up with that match right now,” said Billings. “They had zero people who applied for those grants.” But Billings says lawmakers responded by lowering the matching level to $10,000.
Billings claims she lives in the best legislative district in the state, and says other people agree. She became the 95th District rep 10 years ago this fall in a special election, and she tells the city council that she’s not interested in trading in that seat for higher office.
Democrat Billings says Governor Tony Evers asked her if she was going to run for the 3rd District House seat being vacated by Cong. Ron Kind.
“And I said heck no, governor! I don’t want to live in Washington, D.C. half the time. I love La Crosse and this is where I want to be,” says Billings, claiming the governor responded “It’s true, you do have a great district.”
Noah Ott
June 7, 2022 at 5:34 pm
I would like to know what’s with Billings lately and the fact that they say that Billings is a real historic place to be in the history of it then why is it the Billings just sold out and destroyed to public landmarks of historic beans of Billings like the first Billings school in the Old Iron Bridge access site for industrial warehousing and storage units when it can be turned around and give to the people that need a place to stay for saying homeless people instead of having them always be around and f****** freezing why don’t you come to the community that you can have a place for people to stay for free that are homeless and have a shelter there besides downtown Billings are those that have a camper give him a free access camping site where they won’t being City Limits and get told to move all the time for being on the streets so I have a question for this for the people that live like I do with my name is Noel. Where are we supposed to go when we have no place else to go except for a state and county lines of saying you can stamp out there wherever you like long as you don’t destroy the damn place I’ve been out here by off of Frontage Road pretty much on Washington Street where the old school used to be helping pick up the place so I can have a place to stay supposedly out in county line would come to find out today which is the 7th of June that it is no longer County right here and it’s no longer historical and site for people to come View and it also gives people like me a place where we’re not out bothering other people that ain’t homeless but at the same time I’m not home as I had a camper that is classified a home yet is it not so why is it against the code of Billings Montana to not live in city limits in one then I think Billings Montana should have it placed designated for us to be able to move and live in a camper all the other bigger cities have it because they’re so big woke going to catch up to the rest of the freaking world then give us trailer court access f****** where we can have campers inside City Limits that we don’t have to pay an arm and a leg for I’m on Social Security disability that’s a pretty much half my check to freaking pay lot rent or for a place but you know what I also have to be able to go down to Nebraska every 6 months so I can see my kid so I can’t necessarily be on a foundation place to live our look at Columbus they got a free camping site area where people can come and stay as long as they want long as they ain’t trashing it up so does Missoula in Helena