As I See It

Is Final-Five voting the key to fixing our broken political system?



It is no secret Americans are as divided as ever. That is certainly true in Wisconsin, where just about every political issue seems divided right down the middle. But in the end, little seems to get done, increasing frustration with our politicians who can’t seem to compromise on anything. But there may be a way to hold those we elect to office more responsible to their constituents. It is called Final Five voting. That is a new system for electing our public officials that is being considered in Wisconsin.  It is hardly a radical idea and doesn’t require big changes at the ballot box. Under Final-Five voting, you wouldn’t have to choose either a Republican or Democrat candidate. All candidates are listed together. You simply pick your favorite, regardless of party affiliation. Voters can also select their second favorite and third favorite and so on. If after the election one candidate has captured at least 50% of the vote, the race is over. If not, the last place vote-getter is eliminated and the votes retallied. That continues until one candidate has a clear majority. This system would discourage candidates from only pandering to their base and encourage more moderate stances on issues. This bill deserves debate in Madison. Because it is clear that our current system is broken.

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