Wisconsin GOP asks court to stay redistricting decision

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Wisconsin’s Republican legislators asked the state Supreme Court on Friday to stay its decision to adopt new district maps pending an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.
The Legislature redraws Wisconsin’s congressional and legislative district maps every 10 years to reflect population changes.
The process, known as redistricting, can solidify the partisan majority in the Legislature for a decade. With the stakes so high, Democratic Gov. Tony Evers and Republican lawmakers couldn’t agree on a plan, leading to both sides asking the state Supreme Court to choose between each side’s maps.
The justices on Thursday picked Evers’ proposal. Democrats would make some marginal gains under Evers’ plan but Republicans would maintain their majorities in the Assembly and Senate, according to an analysis from the governor’s office.
Old state Assembly
New state Assembly
Old state Senate
New state Senate
Old US House of Representatives
New US House of Representatives
Still, GOP legislators filed a motion late Friday afternoon asking the state Supreme Court to stay the adoption of the legislative boundaries because they plan to ask the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday for an expedited review of the case.
They contend they deserve a stay because they’ll likely win the case. They maintain Evers’ maps moved too many people to create more districts with a majority of Black and Hispanic voters in violation of the federal Voting Rights Act.
Spokeswomen for Evers and Attorney General Josh Kaul, who defended the governor’s maps in the case, didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment.