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As I See It

Wisconsin lawmakers need to clarify abortion laws



We don’t know yet what the final word will be on the contentious issue of abortion. That will be up to the ruling of the Supreme Court. If the court overturns Roe vs. Wade, then in Wisconsin, the law outlawing abortions in the state, dating way back in 1849, would be enforceable. That would be a big change, and the thought of it has a lot of people upset. That is why it is troubling that Wisconsin state representatives have shown little urgency to decide what Wisconsin’s laws should be if Roe vs. Wade is overturned. Our elected Assemblymen and Assemblywomen, as well as our Senators, have the ability to vote, now, to settle what Wisconsin’s laws should be in the absence of Roe vs. Wade. Hold public hearings. Invite people to give their opinions on how Wisconsin should regulate abortions. These politicians certainly aren’t too busy. Our state lawmakers are not scheduled to be in session again until 2023. We should not have to wait that long. They should get back to Madison and decide what our laws should say. They are the people who can prevent the state from reverting to 1849. If you feel passionately about the issue, contact your state representative, and let them know how you feel. Then tell them to get to work.

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