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As I See It

Solving homelessness problem remains elusive



There are no shortage of efforts to solve the problem of homelessness in La Crosse. But are those efforts helping? That is a difficult question to answer, but it isn’t for lack of trying. The city of La Crosse recently allocated $276,000 in federal funding to establish a campground in Houska Park where the homeless can live for the summer. This comes after the city paid even more to house the homeless in a local motel during the winter months. Under the latest plan, the city will provide electrical hookups for those tent camping at Houska. In addition, the city will provide security at the park to keep people safe. This comes after the city failed in efforts to purchase the Chamber of Commerce building and a southside motel to serve as bridge housing. Other groups are addressing the problem too, including the Coulee Region Collaborative to End Homelessness, while a resource center for the homeless recently opened in central La Crosse. But still, the number of people without permanent shelter in La Crosse is by all accounts growing. Some say that is because the city is too generous, and that generosity has attracted even more homeless to the city. That is difficult to measure. What we do know is despite the efforts of many in government and civic organizations, the problem is far from solved, showing just how difficult this goal is to attain.

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  1. R Head

    May 16, 2022 at 8:09 am

    You just need to run them out of town, 276,000 buy a lot of plain tickets when will the spending on non productive people be rewarded. Wake the fuck up!!!!!!!! Let’s Go Mitch

  2. Steve Thompson

    May 16, 2022 at 9:53 am

    I have not checked this out myself, but have heard that some of the homeless have moved to La Crosse because La Crosse does more for the homeless than many other communities. Has any research been done on this? I think it would be interesting to see the results to the question of “Are we attracting more homeless to move to La Crosse?”. If so, how does that affect the resources currently used to help the homeless who are long time residents of La Crosse?

  3. Scott anderson

    May 17, 2022 at 8:24 pm

    Homeless lazy . mentals committed for safety. Rest sent to Gov. Evers front yard.

    Put some in mayors backyard and let his kids play with used needles.

  4. Jana boland

    May 19, 2022 at 11:47 pm

    If you know what theyre doing wrong then you must know what they need to do thats right!
    You say theyre lazy? Well then i say you are lazy too. For not being a productive voice and sitting behind your phone talking ignorant on a subject you know nothing about. Many are homeless due to mental illness and were abadoned and forgotten by their family because their family didnt want to deal with them. Or how about the 18 year old girl from ohio who was brutally beaten and sexually assaulted by her father. She had to run away so she ran here. Tell me how you would solve her homeless problem? How about the father who got deathly ill. Leaving behind a family who cant stand on thier feet because their father has passed away. Tell me how would you solve their homeles problem?
    Think about how you would solve this issue before you look foolish on public media

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