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As I See It

School administrators listen to student concerns over SROs



It is good to know they are listening. The La Crosse School District says it will change its plan to eliminate another school resource officer. Amid the calls to defund the police after the killing of George Floyd, the La Crosse School District recently trimmed the number of officers patrolling its schools from five down to three. The plan was to trim that number down to two this summer. Now the district says it will maintain three officers as it continues to evaluate the program. Some students said they were uncomfortable or intimated by having officers in their schools. But today’s School Resource Officers (SROs) wear plain clothes and no longer have a gun on their hip. According to a statement from the district, this school year alone there have been 939 school-based calls for service. Many calls were for more than typical juvenile behavior, involving legitimate safety or legal issues. Having an officer in the schools means a quicker response. What is worthy of note is that the school district made the decision to maintain the three officers for the next school year at the request of the students themselves. A group of students spoke to the board in recent months, urging them to bring back the SROs, even presenting a petition with more than 300 signatures. This decision by the district shows they are listening to the students’ concerns, and working to address them.

Scott Robert Shaw served as WIZM Program Director and News Director, and delivered the morning news on WKTY, Z-93 and 95.7 The Rock. Scott had been at Mid-West Family La Crosse since 1989, and retired in 2024

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1 Comment

  1. HL Mencken

    May 27, 2022 at 11:10 am

    Once again I grimaced when hearing a news maven like you refer to ammunition as “bullets.” By itself an inert
    piece of lead never hurt anyone. Somewhere back in time the street language went astray and ammo became
    known as “bullets.” But an up to snuff journalist would never allow himself to be conned into adopting the language of the street.
    And then there is also the story of the LaX city counsel taking it upon themselves to outlaw efforts to convince
    the gender confused not to seek counseling. It is unfortunate that these virtue signalers don’t realize that
    in many, many instances the confused are being spared the tragedy that often leads to suicide and/or heavy drug use and associated crime.

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