Racial equity consultant being sought by La Crosse County

The fight against racism has taken the form of marches and other activism in La Crosse County over the past two years.
Now, the county plans to create an organization to promote racial equity, and it has started a search for someone to lead that group.
County officials are advertising for someone to work as a racial equity consultant. This hire would help local government promote anti-racist policies. The idea follows a vote by the county board last year, on a resolution declaring “Racism as a Public Health Crisis.”
Candidates for the consultant job are invited to apply with La Crosse County and describe their qualifications for the position. Whoever is hired for the job will be asked to help create an organization designed to incorporate anti-racist principles.
Milwaukee and Dane counties already work with consultants in handling problems related to racism.

Chip DeNure
June 16, 2022 at 6:38 am
What an absolute waste of money.