
La Crosse city leaders divided on plan to tear down house for possible WTC parking



Is there too much parking space already on one La Crosse college campus?  Members of the city judiciary committee are split on a plan to demolish a house in the Western Tech neighborhood to provide green space, which might eventually become a parking lot. 

Opponents of the plan say the house hasn’t been condemned, so there’s no good reason to tear it down.  Council member Mackenzie Mindel says she has watched parking space grow at Western in recent years.

“I have seen this neighborhood be demolished over the last 10 years, and I’ve seen what, I’ve seen the spread of surface parking as well,” says Mindel.

The committee deadlocked at 3-to-3 on the demolition plan, meaning there is no clear direction for the full council to vote on the plan next week.

Committee member Jennifer Trost also is against demolishing a house that is not condemned.

“I think one solution for parking is not just more spaces, but perhaps fewer cars,” Trost told the committee. “Providing incentives for people, possibly charging a bit more for parking, to again nudge behavior for those who can.”

The full city council will take up the demolition request from WTC at the July meeting next week. 


  1. Tammy Hansen

    July 5, 2022 at 9:18 pm

    Instead of raising prices to park, can’t they try something else? I am so sick of those without money getting the short end.

    Maybe you could limit parking passes to those that live a certain distance from the campus?

    Or possibly find an empty lot and shuttle people to the campus.

    Another option might be to offer bus passes to students.

    Due to gas prices, I am sure that anything you can offer to help save the students a gallon or two would greatly reduce the need for additional parking.

  2. Nick

    July 6, 2022 at 11:39 am

    Any new parking should take into consideration the following.
    The sites have to include designated electric charging stations.
    After all , the emphasis is on electric cars.
    The only way to make them affordable is for all to buy them.
    Right now, the majority are owned by the people of means who can afford them and have garages so they can be easily charged.
    As I stated in a published letter to the editor, there is no coherent plan for energy.
    Biden has no coherent plan for anything.
    The left is running the administration and they do not have a clue to how the real world works.
    The Biden economic policies are quickly turning retirees with some savings into poor people.

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