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As I See It

We have a minimum age for politicians, why not a maximum age?



As we age, our memory and reasoning capacities tend to decline. That is why there are age limits in some occupations. The FAA requires pilots to retire at 65. Air traffic controllers are typically off the job when they reach their mid-fifties. Many police officers are out in their sixties. But in politics there is no age ceiling. Maybe that’s why there are so many old men and women who are making our laws. Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley got into politics in 1959, and is running for another six year term, meaning if elected, he would be 95 at the end of his term. He is not alone. Diane Feinstein is still serving at the age of 89. NancyPelosi is 82. Mitch McConnell is 80. The current U.S. Senate is the oldest in history, with 27 members in their seventies and seven are in their eighties. President Joe Biden will turn 80 in November, and there is little question he has lost a stop or two since first entering politics. That is why the U.S. should consider age limits for those elected to public office. We have a minimum age to serve, why not a maximum age? Shouldn’t younger people, more in tune with technological advancements, be the ones to regulate big tech rather than some Grandpa who can’t figure out his cell phone? By the time people get to 80, shouldn’t they be spending time with their grandchildren rather than crafting laws? If they still want to work, they can always get a job as a Walmart greeter.

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  1. Kent

    July 26, 2022 at 5:36 am

    Cognitive testing should be manditory after the age of 75 , I bet one half of them over 75 would never pass , including Joe Biden , Nancy Pelosi and Chucl Shummer !!!!!!!

  2. Brian

    July 26, 2022 at 7:27 am

    As I see it … your commentary on having an age limit for politicians wasn’t bad, it echoed a good deal of what is already being discussed in the media and there is some validity in what is said. I personally don’t think age is the best indicator of diminished thinking ability but at least it isn’t a subjective measure. What I do take issue with is your last three sentences suggesting old people can’t figure out there cell phones and they should concentrate on their grandchildren or look into work as a Walmart greeter. I hope in the future you can refrain from that type of journalism. You can do better than that!

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