Logan High students might move to Central if new high school referendum fails

If a $194.7 million referendum to build a new high school does not pass in November, students at Logan High School might be moving to Central High.
At least that’s the plan according to Superintendent Aaron Engel in a letter sent out to parents late last week.
The letter explains that after declining enrollment, budget deficits, and outdated buildings, the district needs to consolidate the high schools in order to balance the budget and provide opportunities to students.
“We can no longer afford to heat, clean, and maintain all 15 of our buildings and keep the great opportunities we have for our kids,” Engel explained in the letter. “We must now consolidate grades and buildings to keep class sizes small, offer the electives students need, and provide the engaging labs and classrooms today’s instruction requires.”
The referendum, which will be voted on in November, would approve the purchase of the 40-acre Trane property on the south side. A new high school would be built there, and both Central and Logan high schools would move to the new location.
This would result in an $0.08 increase on the mill rate or $8.00 per $100,000 in home value.
However, if the referendum does not pass, Engel says the plan would be to move Logan High School students into the Central building.
“If we are not able to build a new, modern high school, we will have to fit all high school students into Central High School without the collaborative classrooms, modern labs, and athletic facilities a new high school would provide.” Engel said.
The new building would reduce operating costs by $4.5 million a year, which would be reinvested into students and teachers.
While the referendum has faced some opposition in the community, the district is providing informational meetings for community members which can be found here.