As I See It
More options needed for future of La Crosse schools

Is a coming La Crosse school district referendum on shaky ground? Opposition appears to be growing to the idea of merging the city’s two high schools into one new building. The yard signs reading “Save Logan” or “No new schools” are becoming an increasingly common sight around town. And the opposition is becoming more organized, with the North La Crosse Business Association the latest group to come out against the November referendum. They are calling on voters to defeat the referendum, and think it would be better to renovate the existing high schools, and move 7th and 8th graders into Central and Logan, while closing the existing middle schools. That seems an idea worth considering. But instead, the sole focus for the district seems to be a merger, as if there were no other option. In fact, we’ve been told that even if the referendum fails, the two schools would still merge, with Central housing both high schools. Sounds like a take it or leave it proposition. Surely there must be more options. We don’t know how the referendum will turn out. The district points to its survey of La Crosse residents showing more than half indicated support for voting yes. But filling out a survey is different than filling out a ballot. The school board would be wise to start now considering other options, in case the one the district is presenting doesn’t find favor with voters.

Charlene K Joyce
August 31, 2022 at 7:08 am
How many people actually filled out the survey? You need some numbers, not just percentages. No one seems to give out actual numbers, lately.