As I See It
Learn more about U.S. Senate candidates during tonight’s debate
Before voting for a political candidate, it is a good idea to know where they stand on the issues important to you. It is not likely you are going to spend much time with them face-to-face, so how do you know whether they deserve your vote? There are a number of ways to do that. Reviewing their website or political material is a quick way to find out their stance on the issues. You could rely on the ads, and there are no shortage of those, but those tend to be heavily scripted hyperbole-filled messages that don’t always tell the whole truth. I find it more revealing to hear a candidate in their own words than that of a marketing agency or the political machinery. Tonight is one chance to hear the candidates in their own words, together on stage, during a debate among the candidates in the race for one of Wisconsin’s United States Senate seats. Incumbent Senator Ron Johnson and his challenger, Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes, will share the stage tonight in a statewide debate sponsored by the Wisconsin Broadcaster’s Association. WIZM’s Brad Williams will be one of the media panelists asking the tough questions of the candidates. WIZM will air that debate tonight beginning at 7pm so you can judge the candidates in their own words with the bright lights shining on them. We encourage you to tune in to learn more about the candidates and their plans to represent Wisconsin in Washington.