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As I See It

Wake me up after the election



It’s no wonder we are so sick of politics. It’s just so ugly. And so public. We’re being bashed over the head by political ad after political ad, largely nasty ads attacking their opponent while taking liberties with the truth. They use shadowy figures to back up their narrative but offer little in the way of specifics. They claim only they can solve the world’s problems. Don’t believe them. Think about it. What can one Senator or Governor or member of Congress really do to bring down inflation? Or to “solve crime” or solve the climate crisis or protect the middle class? But the way campaigns are run these days must be working. Even as the ads get nastier and nastier and less and less true, the politicians and their backers continue to spend record amounts of money on the ads. In fact, the campaign for Wisconsin Governor is the most expensive general election for Governor anywhere in the country. More than $55 million in spending just in one race. And guess what? There are still three more weeks until the election, and the campaigns have already reserved millions more in airtime. So the negativity will continue and likely get worse. It is no wonder we just want it to all be over.

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  1. Chip DeNure

    October 17, 2022 at 7:50 am

    Negative ads are the most effective, so they’ll always be around. One way to avoid or lessen one’s annoyance is to reduce the time you watch television or listen to the radio.

  2. Rhead

    October 17, 2022 at 8:42 am

    The dumb ass liberals need to go to sleep and wake up now November 9 so they can vote

  3. nick berry

    October 17, 2022 at 11:42 am

    You are absolutely correct in the amount of outright lies being made by both sides.
    What is worse when you go an a web site for a candidate. It is hard to ask for clarification.
    We absolutely do not need party hacks running for Congress.
    Do either candidate realize how dangerous the world has become and we are doing little to protect ourselves.
    While we argue over abortion and pronouns and bathrooms. China is building coal fired plants as fast as possible.They are building a massive navy and we hear little.
    They will iuviade Taiwan at some point and no one internationally respects or trust our current President.
    However as you know, the biggest problem is the media that hides the truth from the that is inconvenient too them all the time.

    • Chip DeNure

      October 18, 2022 at 7:27 am

      You, sir, are absolutely positively correct.

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