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As I See It

Time to end earmarks



I don’t often agree with Wisconsin U.S. Senator Ron Johnson, but we do share some common ground. Johnson is calling for an end to earmarks, the practice of federal lawmakers inserting pet projects for their home districts into federal budget bills. This so-called “pork” was banned for a time, but is back with a vengeance. In the omnibus spending bill Congress is considering this week to avoid a government shutdown are thousands of earmarks that call for almost $10 billion in federal spending. This money funds projects that otherwise wouldn’t be funded by the federal government if not tucked into this massive spending bill. This practice is corrupt, allowing lawmakers to use taxpayer money to fund pet projects in their home districts with no debate or discussion, just an up or down vote on the massive bill. Among the pork in this bill is $3.6 million to establish the Michelle Obama Walking Trail in Georgia and $4 million to create exhibition space for LGBTQ history at a New York museum. If these projects really deserve our money, members of Congress should debate the merits of spending federal money on them. But cramming them into a bill without having to convince anyone it is a good idea is a practice that should be banned.

Scott Robert Shaw served as WIZM Program Director and News Director, and delivered the morning news on WKTY, Z-93 and 95.7 The Rock. Scott had been at Mid-West Family La Crosse since 1989, and retired in 2024

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  1. R.Walker

    December 23, 2022 at 10:39 am

    Scott are you feeling OK?
    Not being a follower of the Democratic machine like usual?
    I have been saying for years both parties try to put in their pet projects and the taxpayers have to pay for it. I believe these politicians from both parties don’t care because they will be dead and gone when the actual bill comes due and the country is broke.
    Keeping the lights on and the capital warm is one thing but slipping in these non essential pet projects has to stop. The question is how?
    Maybe if diehard political party people like Scott can get out of bed and look at theses issues from both sides instead of what their party wants, we have a chance.
    Lets eliminate this Democrat vs Republican fighting and become citizens who use common sense to solve our problems.

  2. Kent Porter

    December 26, 2022 at 11:58 am

    As I See It !!! We the Poeple should be able to vote on these massive spending sprees in Washington DC , These pork bills only make the POLITICIANS RICH and us POORER !!! Nice to see Scott going Republican !!

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