Two open seats need filling on La Crosse County Board; Klekamp final administrator interview possibly Monday

The La Crosse County Board has two of its 30 seats to fill, with more than a year until the next county election.
Supervisor Joe Konradt from the 1st District just resigned, and 28th District rep. Karen Keil submitted her resignation last month.
Both board members were elected to two-year terms just last April.
People interested in the 28th District seat, representing the towns of Hamilton and Shelby, need to apply with the county clerk’s office by Friday.
Applications for the 1st District position, for parts of the north side of La Crosse and French Island, have to be submitted to the clerk by Jan. 20. The county will interview candidates for the board after those deadlines.
At Monday night’s county board meeting, county administrator candidate Jane Klekamp could get a final interview. A county committee has recommended Klekamp, the interim administrator, for the full-time post.
Klekamp was one of three finalists for administrator, and all three were interviewed by county board members last month.