WHAT’S BURIED ON BRAD’S DESK: Sing us a song, you’re the Oscar Man

It’s time for the Oscars already, and the occasion usually puts me in the mood for a song…this year, borrowing a tune from Steely Dan.
(sung to the tune of “Deacon Blues”)
Sunday’s the night when every movie fan
Sees who will win that little golden man
They have the Oscars back again
On your TV screen
The famous, the shameless
A glamorous scene

There’s Elvis and Tar, all on the western front
The Fablemans, too
everywhere all at once

Hope nobody’s face gets smacked
They brought Jimmy Kimmel back
The show’s still too long
And you’ll hear that send-off song (you know the one)
When they reach the microphone
And thank everybody they know
Then the music’s nice and loud
That means it’s time to go
Time to applaud all the winners on the stage
And watch all the rest when they lose
They can’t give an Oscar to everyone
Even Mister Cruise, Mister Cruise
Yeah, Tom will get it one of these years…make a few more Top Gun movies, you never know. They got a name for the winners in the world…