In rebranding, they want to be called “Ona”

To many people, New York City is NYC. Los Angeles is LA. And La Crosse is LAX.
One town in our region is embracing a short nickname for a branding effort. Onalaska wants you to “Live Ona.”

Onalaska’s interim city administrator Amanda Jackson says the campaign, coordinated with the Metre advertising agency of La Crosse, will help promote the name that many city residents already use.
Onalaska has introduced Live Ona as a marketing slogan
“Ona has always been a local term, right?” said Jackson. “I grew up here, it’s always been ‘Ona.’”
“When we saw that in writing, it just sort of resonated with a lot of us,” she said. “It’s what we know, it’s what we love.”
Jackson says about four thousand people were surveyed about Onalaska’s image before “Live Ona” was chosen to represent an energetic town. She said part of the reason for the marketing plan was to make a change from the sunfish and nature image shown on the Onalaska city seal.
Onalaska Mayor Kim Smith also says the logo design, promoting a young and fun image, represents the community. Several city workers posed for pictures outside Onalaska City Hall on Tuesday, wearing T-shirts that bear the new slogan.