As I See It
Professor thinks school mascot is too scary
This lady needs a hug. A professor at the University of Iowa is speaking out against a culture of violence, depression and even suicide at the school. And she blames the school mascot. Herky the Hawk. She thinks the costumed character looks too angry. All the time. She insists “incoming students should be met with welcoming, nurturing, calm, accepting and happy messages. The professor of pediatrics even sent an email to the school’s athletic department to let them know they should do something about this menacing bird. She would like it to be less angry, and show more emotions, like happiness. Has she never been to an Iowa football game? Fans love Herky. They don’t look scared or uncomfortable when they pose for pictures with the bird with a giant head and a snarl. Herky is a hawk. Isn’t that what hawks look like? I’ve never seen one smile in the wild. Of course, Herky isn’t different from most school mascots. Bucky Badger sure doesn’t have a smile on his face. Neither does Sparty, or whatever that guy is from Purdue with the sledgehammer. Mascots are supposed to be intimidating. That’s the point. Perhaps this woman should find a safe space and let fans enjoy cheering on their favorite team with Herky. He never hurt anyone. GO HAWKS!
June 30, 2023 at 6:34 am