
La Crosse Mayor Reynolds on hiring city administrator, potential for future budget shortfalls



Mayor Mitch Reynolds in the WIZM studio for La Crosse Talk PM on Sept. 11, 2023.

Mayor Mitch Reynolds in the WIZM studio Monday for La Crosse Talk PM, deep diving on whether La Crosse should have a city administrator, plus the city’s potential for future budgetary shortfall, as the 2024 budget is being cultivated.

La Crosse Talk PM airs weekdays at 5:06 p.m. Listen on the WIZM app, online here, or on 92.3 FM / 1410 AM / 106.7 FM (north of Onalaska). Find all the podcasts here or subscribe to La Crosse Talk PM wherever you get your podcasts.

Began the show talking a bit about the past very busy two weekends at Riverside Park, before delving into the budgetary situation in La Crosse. The city is in the midst of crafting a 2024 budget, and could use American Rescue Plan Act funding to fill in some gaps.

Also discussed, a bit, the potential for putting a mural on the La Crosse Center and if the city should sell out naming rights for the Civic Center.

The last half of the show was spent on the pros and cons for La Crosse having a city administrator.


  1. Bill Evans

    September 12, 2023 at 10:48 am

    I do not know why the budget deficit is a surprise. Nothing is FREE, someone is going to have pay for it. In our personal lives we can’t overspend but somehow the City Leaders push new firehouses, new schools, more staff,etc. Now they are looking at 3 million in funding for transitional living (half way houses)that will only house 10 people. Then they look at ARPA funding which is only a 1 time fund what about maintenace on firehouses, transitional living environment. Private industry has to continually look for ways to decrease costs. Perhaps Lacrosse mayorial candiadates should lead and subscribe to LEAN methodology and reduce waste and employ continuous improvement thinking.

  2. Bill Evans

    September 12, 2023 at 2:21 pm

    The Mayor had approved the 2023 Operating budget document 22-0859 as shown https://cityoflacrosse.legistar.com/.

    Now there are shortfalls? Shall we question the competancy of the board and leadership of the Mayor?

  3. Pat

    September 12, 2023 at 5:23 pm

    If this is what it takes to get this clown out of office, then yes

  4. JT

    September 12, 2023 at 9:19 pm

    That’s right….City is broke so hire someone to help us spend $$$ we don’t have. Typical LibTurd Politics !!

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