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As I See It

Congress barely does it’s only job



Congratulations Congress.  You finally did your job. At the 11th hour, Congress passed legislation to fund the government and avoid a shutdown. Of course, it should have never come to this. This was a manufactured crisis from the start. It was months ago when Congress overwhelmingly passed a bipartisan agreement to suspend the debt ceiling and hold non-defense discretionary spending flat for the next two years, with increased spending for defense and veterans. Then the far right in the Republican party dug in their heels and tried to renege. In the end, Speaker Kevin McCarthy was able to get the deal done, even though it may cost him his job. A handful of malcontents think McCarthy should be fired for doing his only job, to keep the government operational. It would be a good thing to have an honest debate about the use of continuing resolutions to keep the government funded. But that should come during debate in the House and Senate, not as a means of trying to get their way and potentially harm the economy. Unfortunately, the deal that was reached only funds the government for another 45 days, and then they’ll have to come up with a new deal. Does anyone think anything will be different 45 days from now? Or will we witness the same manufactured crisis all over again?

Scott Robert Shaw served as WIZM Program Director and News Director, and delivered the morning news on WKTY, Z-93 and 95.7 The Rock. Scott had been at Mid-West Family La Crosse since 1989, and retired in 2024

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  1. Greg Symons

    October 3, 2023 at 5:59 am

    Trump is in court on fraud charges. But his supposed fraud has hurt no one. The lenders got their money, with interest. Their is NO victim. Conversely, our government continually spends more and more borrowed money with no intention of paying it back. That continues to harm the economy, push inflation, and darken a once bright future for our country. If you can’t see where the real crime is then you’re as guilty as our government in trying to destroy this great Republic.

  2. nick

    October 3, 2023 at 8:04 am

    Congress stopped doing their job a long time ago. Lying Joe the dictator runs the country by executive order and dares the courts to rule his un-constitutional orders just that un-constitutional. In the meantime, the Sanders and Warren proteges are issuing rules and orders without constitutional authority to do so that affects our lives.
    The media, of course, is completely silent about this and that is by design. The left and the progressives hate religion, the family, the constitution and this country. It is absurd to think that they are the only one who know what is best for all of us.

  3. Mitey Mite

    October 3, 2023 at 8:18 pm

    We have a barely functioning government. A judicial system that is corrupt and unable to balance the rights of its citizens. An invasion at the southern border. An economy built on unsustainable printing of fiat dollars. A women cannot be distinguished from a man.

    So all that will make the lefties happy…the fundamental transformation of America…mission accomplished. The country is broke and there will be no turning back. Lacking is the will and capital to recover.

    What comes next? Who knows. There has never been a revolution that turned out the way the revolutionaries expected. So hang on and good luck to us all.

  4. Unlimited

    October 4, 2023 at 11:20 am

    It was all theater and the public is sick of it. McCarthy’s campaign theme last fall was “elect Republicans and when we have the House and purse strings, when I am speaker, things will change.” Well, things didnt change. So a change in leadership is needed. Good riddance; time for that swamp rat to follow as he is incapable of leading.

  5. Lucenut

    October 18, 2023 at 7:10 am

    Why is this dufus on the air? Congress’s job is to pass a BUDGET which they haven’t done since the 1990s. Bloated continuing resolutions are NOT good government you old fool.

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