As I See It
Foxconn officially a failure
It seems official now. The so-called eighth wonder of the world is a bust. Foxconn, which promised 13,000 jobs and a $10 billion investment, is never going to hit that mark. The Taiwanese company was promised billions in state taxpayer money in exchange for all that development and all those jobs. They built a few buildings, bought a few more, but now they have begun to sell part of their property in Mt. Pleasant, which we were told by former President Donald Trump and former Governor Scott Walker would become the eighth wonder of the world. Now, Microsoft has bought some of Foxconn’s Wisconsin property. At least somebody will work there. Instead of the 13,000 jobs promised, Foxconn has delivered only about 1000. That big orb they built? It is apparently used for storage and can be rented as a reception hall. Some say Foxconn never really planned to build there, that the company was simply trying to appease Trump and avoid threatened tariffs. That is not clear. But it is clear that Foxconn is a failure and will never put 13,000 people to work. Its empty buildings are a monument to more failed political promises.
November 8, 2023 at 8:42 am
Foxconn has terribly underperformed to expectations. Wisely, the state structured the incentive package contingent on performance and so for the 1,000 jobs created Foxconn received less than $40 million in contrast to the billions they could have received.
Compare that to the La Crosse Center, where the City of La Crosse spent a comparable amount…and created how many jobs?
The Dude
November 9, 2023 at 12:44 pm
Walden, why do you state the “City of Lacrosse” spending money. This does not distill the finances down to who is actually paying.
It is the residents who have contributed their hard earned taxes to the elected the City Leaders who are not fiscal conservatives. Elections have consequences and most voters do not get engaged enough to get into the details of the policies of the elected officials.
In a business there is oversight and analysis of R.O.I. for expenditures. Contrast that to the public bodies such as the public education system, the city government spending, and last but not least the La Crosse Center.
Even the left watch what they purchase when it is their personal pay check.
November 11, 2023 at 12:42 pm
Dude, you are correct.