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As I See It

Economy getting better, people still hate it



It’s the economy, stupid. Once again, the economy is the biggest factor in determining who people will vote for in the next election. Poll after poll show that people in the U.S. aren’t exactly upbeat about the economy. But the reality is, the U.S. economy is strong, and while inflation remains a problem, it is getting better. Still, even as the economy is getting better, people are feeling worse about it. Never before has there ever been such a wide gap between the health of the economy and how people feel about it. By many measures, our economy is strong. Employers added nearly 200,000 jobs in November, and the unemployment rate has dropped to 3.7%. Inflation has plummeted in the past year from 9.1% to 3.2%, managed deftly by the Federal Reserve, without causing a recession. Gas prices are dropping sharply, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average has hit a record high. President Biden will be in Wisconsin this week to boast of Bidenomics, which although effective, remains a political albatross around his neck. Getting people to feel good about the economy will be difficult, but that is Biden’s challenge if he hopes to secure a second term.

Scott Robert Shaw served as WIZM Program Director and News Director, and delivered the morning news on WKTY, Z-93 and 95.7 The Rock. Scott had been at Mid-West Family La Crosse since 1989, and retired in 2024

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  1. Kent Porter

    December 18, 2023 at 6:21 am


  2. nick

    December 18, 2023 at 6:59 am

    Good to see Dictator Lying Joe come to
    Food prices are still high.
    Mortgage rates have come down slightly but are still very high.
    If the press ever played it down the middle, he would be in worse shape than he already is.
    Focus on the economy.
    He has with the west seriously erred in Ukraine.
    He has seriously erred in the Middle East.
    His entire presidency has been a total disaster.

  3. nick

    December 18, 2023 at 7:10 am

    Lying Joe wrecks the economy and now because inflation( which he created) is easing takes credit.

  4. Kevin

    December 18, 2023 at 8:24 am

    I am not really sure why they say the economy is getting better….unless it is through the eyes of the WEC, UN or other such alphabet soup international group that wants people to consume less, travel less, enjoy life less, eat less,

    Housing – affordability is dismal. Rent, mortgage or otherwise, how is has this improved beneath our benevolent dictatorship….

    Groceries – you have to be daft to think there is an improvement here. Prices have gone up, volumes have gone down, there is no reversal of the pricing structure in sight….

    Energy – there is bright spot here, but it is the light of the oncoming train. Gas prices are indeed down, but the goal here is force these back up. It is coming, and it is coming hard with the threatened elimination of gas powered engines, banning of gas stations, forced switch to high cost solar and wind power.

    Transportation – cost of gasoline powered vehicles has doubled, forcing folks to drive older poorer maintained vehicles longer driving up pollution. cost of EVs is beyond the reach of the average incomes forcing them to stay home or rely upon the poor maintained older fleet of gasoline powered vehicles.

    Taxes – have done nothing but go up, leaving less disposable income for people to provide for charity and investment…more money going into foreign wars and entanglements than ever.

    Education – is abysmal, and expensive. not worth the paper and ink that is on the diploma.

    Medical care – the cost has gone up, standard of care has gone down, level of knowledge/credibility is in the tank, no one knows what a girl or boy is, and dissent is disallowed. It is turning into a crap system and getting crappier.

    There is no measure of society that has improved under Joe Biden unless you belong the fetish’d left, where men can be women, women can be men, sheep are running scared and children belong to the state. It’s like a dystopian Chitty Chitty Bang Bang gone wild…..

  5. Walden

    December 18, 2023 at 10:36 am

    Are we to believe the salaries of the folks at the radio station have kept pace with the accumulated 20% inflation since SloJoe took office?

    And by the way, inflation is not getting better, the rate of increase in prices has slowed but the loss of 20% purchasing power continues to only get worse and will be 23-25% by the time SloJoe leaves office.

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