As I See It

No more funny road signs



Apparently having solved all the other problems plaguing our roads, bridges and skies, the U.S. Department of Transportation has unveiled new rules to keep us safe while driving. By banning funny road signs. We’re talking about those electronic message boards you sometimes see on the side of the road, warning of lane closures ahead, or reminding people to buckle up and slow down. Some message-writers like to have fun with the messaging in an effort to get people’s attention and get their message across. Like the sign that read ‘Texting and driving: Autocorrect yourself” or “ARRR ye buckled up mateys” which was spotted on Talk Like a Pirate Day. Other witty messages displayed on Wisconsin’s electronic road signs are”Make it to deer camp, drive sober” and “Life is fra-gee-lay, slow down” a reference from the movie Christmas Story. The federal government suggests that while funny, these messages can be distracting, especially if people don’t understand the message. What a bunch of party-poopers. The reason these messages work is because they are funny. The Transportation Department should get back to fixing our roads and reducing lines at the airport, and let humor continue to be used on roadside messages.

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