Charges for one suspect in La Crosse shooting dropped, while another seeks attorney

A charge of being an accessory to attempted murder in a north La Crosse shooting was dismissed Thursday against one suspect, while the other is seeking an attorney.

The case against Tessa Haller was dropped at the request of her attorney. The La Crosse County District Attorney’s office said it may try to refile the criminal count.

Haller was charged, last month, with allegedly providing a gun to her boyfriend, Lenell Carter. The 41-year-old La Crosse man is accused of shooting someone who allegedly punched him during a fight outside a bar.
Carter said he has been unable to find a public defender.
La Crosse County Judge Gloria Doyle will review Carter’s case again in early March.

R head
February 9, 2024 at 8:29 am
She should be charged for being a dumb ass. Responsible gun owners don’t give there gun to someone who is asshole. She needs jail time to smarten her up.