Marquette Law Poll architect, Dr. Franklin, on latest numbers, where Haley destroys Biden, but Trump does not,

Political scientists, Marquette’s Dr. Charles Franklin and UW-La Crosse’s Dr. Anthony Chergosky, join Friday’s La Crosse Talk PM to break down the latest Marquette Law School Poll, where we find Wisconsin voters don’t like any of the candidates, love marijuana and Nikki Haley would win the whole thing in a landslide.
La Crosse Talk PM airs weekdays at 5:06 p.m. Listen on the WIZM app, online here, or on 92.3 FM / 1410 AM / 106.7 FM (north of Onalaska). Find all the podcasts here or subscribe to La Crosse Talk PM wherever you get your podcasts.
Franklin is, what we call, the architect of the Marquette poll, which is one of the most prestigious in the country and one that all eyes look to, since Wisconsin is arguably the most important state to win in 2024.
Along with some of the poll results — Haley destroying Biden and Donald Trump even with Biden — we also talk about how these things compare to polls of the past. Plus, how some of the most important issues in the state are things many polled don’t know much about — like “redistricting.”
We started the show with Chergosky on just why this poll is so important and trusted. And, when Franklin joined, we had to throw some ridiculousness at him — like why there was no Taylor Swift question — and if he could throw all prestige out the window, what would he love to get polling on that, perhaps, isn’t political.
Some of the specific highlights from the poll we discussed and got philosophical about thereafter, also included the lack of enthusiasm for the 2024 election and how that compared to 2020, how people are still of the mindset that Trump or Biden might not be on the ballot and how the state overwhelmingly and consistently for years has wanted legalized marijuana.

Gerald v Every
February 10, 2024 at 10:24 am
Marquette Is no longer a reliable source of information, along with the AP. Both of these snake pits are purveyors of skewed polls! As for Herr gallgher, He should be impeached!