As I See It

Tax day wouldn’t be so bad if everyone paid their fair share



Did you get your taxes filed yet? Good, because yesterday was the deadline, unless you were granted an extension. April 15 is a day that many Americans hate when they have to satisfy their tax debt to the federal government. I don’t mind paying taxes. I just wish we could see the results of what we’re getting for our money. They sure aren’t pouring it into fixing our roads. I recently read a story that said over the course of their lifetimes, the average American pays more than $520,000 in taxes. That includes income taxes, but also property taxes, sales taxes and gas taxes. That is a big chunk. That often isn’t the case, however, for those most able to pay. The ultra wealthy continue to avoid paying their fair share of taxes, mainly because of a tax code that contains numerous loopholes that benefit them. The IRS commissioner estimates that millionaires and billionaires are evading paying more than $150 billion a year in taxes. If they just paid their share, our obligation wouldn’t be so large. Congress should rewrite the tax code to make it more equitable, and the IRS should go after those with deep pockets, many of whom pay nothing in federal income tax.


  1. Roy

    April 16, 2024 at 8:00 am

    So, what is their “share”, Scott? Greater, I’m sure, than the millions of lower income people who pay no tax whatsoever and get a refund in the first quarter every year.

    If you would talk to a local CPA about the reality of what upper income people pay before bellowing out this socialist tripe, you’d make far greater sense. The wealthy and upper income earners are the backbone of the economy. The alternative is something like Haiti

  2. rcjnwalk

    April 16, 2024 at 8:44 am

    Well Scott, the idea of a flat tax for everyone has been talked about for years but the liberals won’t vote for it. One of the tax preparers in town cried because she would be out of a job.
    Both sides of the isle take advantage of the tax laws. (Nancy Pelosi, Clinton, Obama)
    If these rich people were breaking the tax law they would be in jail. (Ask Al Capone)
    Finally you think our taxes would go down if the rich paid more? Are you on crack?
    The government is spending every dime we have right now with no plan in sight on how to get out of debt!
    Our grand children and their children will bare that debt.
    Get real Scott and have a real solution to the problem instead of shooting from the hip.
    Cut spending and a sensible flat tax for “EVERYBODY” will help the country.

  3. LG

    April 16, 2024 at 10:21 am

    So let me get this straight… What you’re saying is the country does not have a spending problem. The real problem we have is we are not taxing people enough. Democrats in particular are fond of stating, reporting, and repeating this fair share concept. On the surface, everybody wants fairness and that sounds good. Unfortunately, what exactly is a fair share. No one ever defines that from the president on down to you. And if there was a way to define fairness, who would make the decision as to what is “fair”. The concept of a fair share is vague and unattainable and it’s useless to even talk about it, Yet it’s often repeated as if someone has actually said something profound.

  4. Walden

    April 16, 2024 at 1:44 pm

    The U.S. has spent almost $45 Trillion more than it has received (that number being the national debt); that’s 45 with 12 zeroes behind it.

    Tax receipts are at a record high. But government spending far exceeds receipts. That is primarily a spending problem, not only a tax receipts problem. If the entirety of the $150 Billion was recaptured and if no spending increases occurred it would take 335 years to solve the federal debt.

    Meanwhile the top 1% of income earners pay 33% of federal income taxes collected and the bottom 50% pay less than 3% but receive checks in the mail instead (child tax credits, etc.).

    WIZM should try doing some research instead of simply repeating simplistic Democrat talking points.

    Glad I could add some clarity to this matter.

    • Walden

      April 16, 2024 at 3:05 pm

      WIZM didn’t get the message: taxes are irrelevant now, we’re just printing money out of thin air to satisfy a corrupt government. Talk of taxes is just a deflect and distract strategy.

  5. Opinion

    April 16, 2024 at 2:49 pm

    I see the postal service is raising the price of stamps for the fourth time since Jan 2023 citing “rising costs of delivering mail.”

    Stamp prices are up 26% since August 2021. That must be part of Biden’s 3% inflation rate. No, it doesn’t make sense, and apparently even the postal service doesn’t believe Biden’s numbers.

    Inflation is a “hidden tax” we all pay.

    • LG

      April 18, 2024 at 7:20 am

      The post office, because our Congress demands it, still delivers mail across the entire country six days per week. When I visit My mailbox each day, I often have One piece of Mail, junk bulk mail that I promptly throw away, and sometimes nothing. Then they announce they want to spend millions of dollars on electric Mail delivery vehicles. They make no sense. Imagine the savings and the reduction of greenhouse gases if they cut back even one day. Every time the postmaster general has tried to lower cost, Congress steps in because they think they will lose votes if that were to happen. The more they raise cost of stamps, the less mail they deliver.

      • Opinion

        April 18, 2024 at 11:04 am

        To make matters worse, I think the post office still delivers for Amazon on Sunday.

        There are many stories similar to this for every branch and agency of government. Its unabated waste in everything they do.

        Congressional bills are always touted for their size with no particulars about what they are actually doing on behalf of the taxpayer.

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