La Crosse County Democratic Party chair on Wisconsin constitutional amendments, Trump assassination attempt, GOP national convention

William Garcia, chair of the La Crosse County Democratic Party and host of the Democratic Voice podcast, discusses why people should vote “no” on the Wisconsin constitutional amendment questions on the Aug. 13 ballot.
The Democratic Voice podcast comes out Mondays, and can be heard online here, or by subscribing to The Democratic Voice, wherever you listen to podcasts.
Garcia, the 3rd Congressional District chair of the Democratic Party, also talks a bit about the assassination attempt of Donald Trump at a Saturday rally in Pennsylvania, plus the Republican National Convention getting started this week in Milwaukee.

Bob N.
July 15, 2024 at 6:59 am
Only Solem would get reaction on the Republican convention from Democrat Ivan Garcia. Do the local Republicans not talk to you, Rick?
John Q Public
July 15, 2024 at 7:59 am
Rick is scared of the truth so he only feels comfortable around his democrat friends and their narrative of hate division lies misinformation perversion intolerance racism and hypocrisy.
July 15, 2024 at 8:17 am
I would not waste my time listening to a troll like Garcia.
It is now obvious the Democratic Party, the loyal Biden people in the administration and the media has been lying and covering up Biden’ s detioration