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As I See It

It is time to tone down the violence, and the rhetoric



There is no place for this type of violence in America. That is the summation by President Joe Biden of the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. Yet, this seemingly is how far politics has devolved in the U.S. We are a divided nation, with emotions running high, too often turning to violence. Now we have seen someone willing to try to kill a presidential candidate. It is demoralizing. As if we needed more of that. Predictably, in the wake of the shooting, the right is blaming the left and the left is blaming the right. We must come together as one nation before we tear this country apart. That must start today, when the eyes of the world focus on Milwaukee, site of the Republican National Convention. Plenty of protests are planned, but those protests must remain peaceful. Security will be heightened of course, but a national threat assessment finds concern Milwaukee could be an attractive target for foreign terrorist organizations, homegrown violent extremists, domestic violent extremist groups and so-called lone-wolf bad actors. We will never solve our problems through violence.  Let’s hope Milwaukee, the so-called “horrible city” shines as host of the convention. And let’s hope the convention itself is the beginning of some unification of this violent and hate-filled country, before it is too late.

Scott Robert Shaw serves as WIZM Program Director and News Director, and delivers the morning news on WKTY, Z-93 and 95.7 The Rock. Scott has been at Mid-West Family La Crosse since 1989, and authors Wisconsin's only daily radio editorial, "As I See It" heard on WIZM each weekday morning and afternoon.

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  1. Kevin

    July 15, 2024 at 7:12 am

    Honestly Shaw, review the rhetoric of the left. Review the late night comedians, hell review almost any of the dopey politicians and talking heads and all their rhetoric. The problem is on the left and the right, you make me want to throw up all the food I ate!

    You have got to be either the dumbest opinion columnist, the biggest party hack, or some other type of crazy corrupted propagandist.

    • Nina

      July 15, 2024 at 9:15 am

      It’s interesting that you didn’t acknowledge your role or any other so-called journalist’s agenda in the divisive rhetoric you continue to put out there. Your latest opinion is the perfect example of tossing out a cheap shot based on disinformation, (i.e. the “horrible city” comment) that had been used out of context and put to rest by people in the room. It’s not like Pres. Trump asked to have a “bull’s-eye” on his opponent or “take him out” or “eliminate” him. You might want to sit this one out as you search for a mirror to take a nice long look at yourself and the media’s contribution to where this country is at in regards to rhetoric. Reporting the facts in context would be a good start.

  2. Mike Hochertz

    July 15, 2024 at 8:27 am


    In this mornings As I See It…you make a divisive statement ..” Let’s hope Milwaukee, the so-called “horrible city”…” when that has been debunked. In context Mr Trump was saying the crime was “Horible” as a 9 year old boy was just killed. In context the head of the elections had to be replaced.

    I love listening to Mike Hayes in the mornings, and he is a neighbor, but your continued bias has just lost a dedicated listener to WIZM. I will be tuning to another station.

  3. walden

    July 15, 2024 at 8:40 am

    Ha ha. More media gaslighting is not what the country needs. After 9 years of constant, non-stop coordinated verbal attacks on Trump, where is the media’s apology for peddling again and again lies and vitriol? Instead of a head fake to “tone it down” how about you issue a blanket retraction?

    Hate from the Left is what they do. It’s their history going back to the bolsheviks. The media is supposed to help protect the public…you have failed miserably.

    And why hasn’t Biden yet granted RFK jr the security protection he has requested?

    Just a week ago, Shaw said we needed to re-elect a dementia patient if only because it is the best way to beat Trump. Pathetic and including here by reference Kevin’s conclusion above.

  4. LG

    July 15, 2024 at 8:49 am

    Mr. Shaw,
    Donald Trump never called Milwaukee a horrible city. He said the CRIME in Milwaukee is horrible. That is a big difference. The liberal media picked up on that statement, distorted it, and presented the distorted version as news. Apparently you believe the distortion. Now, the intention of your opinion today appears correct to me and commend and complement you for it. However, you could not resist that subtle dig by referring to Milwaukee as that so-called horrible city. This leaves 3 possibilities: 1. you believe the liberal media. 2. It was a careless mistake on your part, or 3. you are part of the problem of repeating false/fake news to further the Democrat narrative.

    • Mike Hochertz

      July 15, 2024 at 9:46 am


      I listen to you call in every morning on Mike Hayes morning show. You have hit it on the head, Scott Robert Shaw serves as WIZM Program Director and NEWS Director, says so right there by his name. Now don’t get me wrong, he has every right to have his opinion and beliefs.

      I thought NEWS and journalism is supposed to be un biased which clearly Mr Shaw is now conducting himself in such a manner. If a certain University of Wisconsin chancellor personal activities and beliefs make him unfit, perhaps the same standard should apply for a news team that is supposed to be impartial.

      Just AS I SEE IT

      • Mike Hochertz

        July 15, 2024 at 11:56 am

        CORRECTION: which clearly Mr Shaw is NOT conducting himself in such a manner

    • walden

      July 15, 2024 at 5:47 pm

      LG, I agree with your comments and appreciate your statements on the radio…keep up the good work.

      I do have an important comment however: Let’s not be naive, Mr Shaw and his pals at WIZM know exactly what they are doing. They lie, directly or by omission, daily. And that is their intention. Their progressive arguments and positions on matters that count don’t stand the test of examination or debate…so they lie. And trying to debate them is almost meaningless, because they will spin new lies at a faster rate than you can debunk their previous lies. Their only ethics are “their end justifies any means.” Any worries about so-called “journalistic standards” are no doubt met with laughter…because having standards is not their goal.

      Mr. Shaw should “retire”. Period. The La Crosse community deserves better.

  5. LG

    July 15, 2024 at 9:53 am

    In addition, you say that blame is made by both sides. Really? Did the Republicans riot over two impeachments, numerous dubious legal charges pursued against President Trump? Was it a Republican who went to justice Cavanaugh’s home with a gun intending to kill him? Wasn’t it Democrat Schumer who threatened violence against the Supreme Court calling out particular justices. Wasn’t it Kamala Harris who promoted violence during the 2020 George Floyd riots, opening up a bail out fund raising campaign and going on camera before the nation saying the riots and violence would not stop and should not stop. Wasn’t it Joe Biden who reference Trump having a bullseye on him. Isn’t it the liberal publications and media who compare Trump to Hitler. Wasn’t it the liberal Madonna who wanted to blow up the White House. How about liberal Kathy Griffin creating and showing the decapitated head of President Trump. Hasn’t Biden and other Democrat leaders repeatedly claimed that Trump is a danger and a threat to democracy. Have you seen the liberal ladies on the view stating their hateful opinions? How about Jill Biden on camera stating Trump is a danger to our country. how about Maxine Waters encouraging Democrats to find Republicans in restaurants, to approach them, and to get in their face. Mr Shaw or other readers, I wish to be fair and have meaningful dialogue here please share your list of all the Republican rhetoric promoting violence against Democrats. I think you’ll be hard-pressed to list any.

    • John Q Public

      July 16, 2024 at 5:20 am

      Shaw has a hard time with the truth, but so do all democrats…every now and then Shaw and other democrat will have a moment of sanity but not to worryypu democrats they will return to the democrat party narrative of HATE DIVISION LIES MISINFORMATION PERVERSION INTOLERANCE RACISM and HYPOCRISY

  6. Kevin

    July 15, 2024 at 1:36 pm

    Don’t forget Biden saying he would take him out behind the woodshed beat him up. Don’t forget Peelosi saying she would drag him out by the hair.

  7. LG

    July 15, 2024 at 8:56 pm

    Yes, there were those threats too. Thanks for helping me remember. Joe Biden said and I quote, “I would beat the hell out of Trump if in high school” and Nancy Pelosi told her leadership team she plans to pull President Donald Trump out of the White House by his hair, his little hands and his feet.” Sorry for overlooking those two quotes Kevin. My list was just off the top of my head. Democrats have Made so many threats and violent rhetoric. I cannot keep up. I’m still waiting for someone to list examples of violent Republican rhetoric against Democrats. Anybody? Mr. Shaw did say the left blames the right for violent rhetoric.

  8. Greg Symons

    July 16, 2024 at 6:25 am

    Shaw, you call for us to come together and calm our rhetoric, but you couldn’t resist throwing in “horrible city”. Take a look in the mirror before you ask others to do something.

  9. walden

    July 16, 2024 at 11:15 am

    That didn’t take long. Biden campaign 72 hours later already villainizing Trump and his followers in the broadest terms.

    Apparently, that’s all they got.

  10. Libertarian Guy

    July 18, 2024 at 3:00 pm

    Two or was it three days after the assassination attempt, Joe Biden repeated the dictator line and referenced to neo Nazi hoax, by repeated the “fine people on both sides” falsehood. That is essentially suggesting that Trump supports Nazism and white supremacy. That’s a lie that was reported for seven years before Snopes came clean and said the story was false. And yet here we are three days after an assassination attempt in Biden‘s feeble speech to tone down the rhetoric that Biden is repeating these falsehoods and making Donald Trump out to be someone he is not. Unfortunately, I think this is a function of Joe’s dementia as he doesn’t remember things from day to day and probably didn’t remember that these lies have been debunked as false. The so-called journalist that he said this to did not confront Or even mildly opposed Biden’s false statements And just moved onto the next topic. And now there is a soundbite of Kamala Harris stating she still believes Trump is a threat to democracy. These people do not learn and never change their playbook. And the liberal media, dutifully reports, Harris’ statement as news. How are we supposed to believe anything in the media these days. This is exactly how Joe Biden got elected in the first place creating the mess that we are now dealing with nationally and worldwide.

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