Marquette Law political scientist, Dr. Charles Franklin, on replacing Joe Biden

Following President Joe Biden’s surprising decision last weekend not to run for a second term, the Democratic ticket remains unsettled for now.
Vice President Kamala Harris appears to be the logical choice to replace Biden as the presidential nominee.
Political scientist, Dr. Charles Franklin, who is the creator of the Marquette University Law School poll, said Monday on WIZM the decision could come quickly — or maybe not.
“We’re seeing already other Democrats start to endorse Harris, and come together on her,” Franklin told host Rick Solem. “That process may take more than just a day or two, but the quick rally behind her is real striking.”
Franklin suggested the party could still leave the official choice for a nominee to the national convention delegates in Chicago next month.
“There are some people that advocate for an open convention,” he said, “but I think the rapid movement to accept Harris as the replacement nominee that we’ve seen (since Sunday) is still pretty stunning.”
Franklin doesn’t know how long it will be before a decision is made.
The Democratic convention begins Aug. 19.

July 22, 2024 at 10:10 pm
The picture says it all. I listened to her speech and she sounded like a 4th grader trying to convince 3rd graders how smart she is.
July 24, 2024 at 7:05 am
Well said Walden. It’s reminiscent of her speech about a big country attacking a little country, and everybody loves yellow school buses, and how much she loves Venn diagrams. Can you say Venn diagrams? Sure, I knew that you could. Yep, a fourth grader explaining it to third graders. Again, well said.
The so-called rally around the vice president and the endorsements is stunning. One might think it is so stunning that it’s not real, perhaps a fake act, Especially considering the fact that no Democrat voted for her during the primary and she was the first to drop out of the race in the previous election cycle.
July 24, 2024 at 7:25 am
Bernie Sanders has not endorsed her. Why? He does not know if she will follow his orders like Biden did.
She was and is still part of the third totally incompetent administration in a row.
You have to be delusional to think Biden was a good President
John Q Public
July 28, 2024 at 5:26 am
From dumb to dumber from one blithering idiot to a bigger blithering idiot…my God what is going on in the democrat party, and WHO REALLY IS INCHARGE The American people deserve better. President Trump 2024 and complete control in congress by Republicans to save our Republic, our democracy, our Constitution, our Bill of Rights and the rule of law