
La Crosse hosts a stop in nationwide Clean Energy Revolution tour



A nationwide tour to promote clean forms of energy has kicked off in Wisconsin, as it makes its way through the eastern U.S.

The Clean Energy Revolution campaign included La Crosse’s Cameron Park as one of the tour’s early stops in the Badger State.

La Crosse County supervisor Monica Kruse said county officials are working on local responses to climate problems.

“We are drafting a climate action plan right now, which lays out parameters for how we can become more climate-conscious,” Kruse said, “and the things that we can do as a county that will counteract some of the more egregious effects of climate change.”

The sponsor of the tour is promoting electric vehicles and the increased use of solar panels for energy.

Also representing the county board, supervisor Dillon Mader, said that a wetter climate is causing problems for many homeowners.

“Basement drywall has been torn off, and sometimes hasn’t been replaced yet,” Mader said. “Septic systems backed up. Lots of wood rotted due to excessive moisture.”

He noted that many families experiencing those problems have trouble fixing them, because they live on limited incomes.

Kathy Allen, who chairs the Coulee Region Sierra Club, says the group’s Wisconsin chapter has been working for years to promote the transition to “100 percent clean renewable energy.”

“For years, we’ve been told, it’s just not possible, the technology doesn’t exist, or it isn’t reliable, or it’s too expensive,” said Allen. “But we’ve persisted in our belief that it is possible,” Allen said.

Green Bay, La Crosse and Madison were the earliest stops for the Clean Energy campaign, which is scheduled to conclude in Philadelphia next month.


  1. walden

    August 4, 2024 at 8:42 pm

    Lots of blue in the photo; go figure. This is a poorly disguised tour, by progressives, of midwest swing states aiming to “get out the vote” to support all the layers of climate change and environmental trickle down grift.

    Predictable members of the County Board were among the very few showing up for this event.

    Personally, I wouldn’t walk around Cameron Park in sandals.

  2. nick

    August 5, 2024 at 5:14 am

    China leads the world in building solar panel farms. China wants to be food independent. The two goals clash since farmland is being used to build the solar panel farms. Chine is experiencing large swaths of farmland taken over by solar panel fields.
    Their energy policy is just as confusing as the U S. Russia, as I have stated in the past is selling both natural and regular gasoline to anyone who wants it and they have plenty of customers.
    No one talks about the enormous cost of electric cars needing individual dedicated charging stations.
    No one talks much about the enormous environmental damage to mine the elements needed for so called clean energy.
    The media made up of progressive left wing news people hide so much truth from the American public that it is doing severe damage to this country.

  3. LG

    August 6, 2024 at 3:38 pm

    The sky is falling. The sky is falling. Chicken Little has them all worried. We better do something they said. Ignore the facts. Assume the so-called scientists are right. If the climate is changing (hotter or colder, they can’t make up their mind), then we need to do something. We don’t know what, but as long as we do something, we can all feel better. I know, let’s assume that climate change is not a natural phenomenon, a phenomenon that has happened since the beginning of time. Let’s assume that humans are causing it. Let’s assume that changes made in lacrosse or changes across the United States will somehow impact the entire world. Let’s assume our country alone can make the difference while China builds more coal plants. Don’t worry, our good intentions will offset what the rest of the world is doing to harm the planet. Let’s stand around holding signs. Let’s spend massive amounts of money attempting to change the climate. Let’s build a large shade and block out the sun. Let’s do all we can no matter how ridiculous it sounds because the sky is falling. Chicken little told me so.

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