As I See It

Push polling returns in area campaign



Political advertisements are often filled with falsehoods, a serious stretching of the truth, and outright lies. So we shouldn’t be surprised at the latest lows in political ads, right here in the Coulee Region. The so-called “push polls” have returned in a local race for the Wisconsin Assembly. Push polling happens when a company is hired, typically by a candidate or their campaign, to call people at random and asking them questions about the campaign. It starts out as a typical political poll, but quickly devolves into misconception. In the latest instance, some in La Crosse County report getting such a call, asking how certain issues may affect their vote. The poll quickly begins spreading lies, in this case lies about Assembly candidate Ryan Huebsch, who is running against incumbent Steve Doyle. The supposed pollster then suggests Huebsch has done something bad or has extreme views. A company called Dynata is reportedly conducting the poll which shows up as a local number on the incoming call. It is not clear who is behind this latest push polling, but these misleading polls have no place in Coulee Region politics.


  1. Roy

    August 27, 2024 at 10:57 am

    Who has the most to gain if a call causes a vote against Ryan Huebsch?

    • walden

      August 27, 2024 at 3:47 pm

      If Steve Doyle does’t condemn the message and tactics then he approves of them and is willing to benefit from them.

      Character flaw? or desperation?

  2. Brett

    August 30, 2024 at 4:26 pm

    It’s all laughable. Ryan speaks fluent Right Wing propaganda. “I’ll fight for tax cuts” but he doesn’t say for whom those tax cuts will apply. He’s “pro gun” and probably anti illegal immigration. Talks about how the incumbent would have made change by now if he could have. No Democrat can accomplish anything with the current political climate and the gerrymandered districts. Any state that is nearly a 50/50 split can’t possibly be a 2/3 – 1/3 spot in the Senate and Assembly. Don’t listen to the garbage. Vote Democrat.

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