As I See It
Another new tactic to battle homelessness
It seems the city of La Crosse has tried just about everything in its efforts to reduce the homeless population. There has been little in the way of measurable success. Wednesday, the city tries a new approach. A ban on camping in city parks officially takes effect, although it is not clear anyone will notice. While technically the ban on camping takes effect Wednesday, it is not clear whether it will be enforced immediately. The city council first has to decide whether to hire more officers to provide security in a couple of La Crosse parks to make sure the homeless move along. City Hall is proposing spending $277,000 to staff both Cameron and Burns parks with 24-7 security. That is a lot of money, but without enforcement, a ban on camping would lack any teeth. Meanwhile, the city is still considering establishing a place where the homeless could safely and legally stay. A list of nine different options, some of them city parks, has yet to be narrowed down. It seems the city is contradicting itself by banning camping in all city parks while at the same time considering city parks as a place where the homeless could legally camp. But given that La Crosse has tried just about everything to deal with its homeless problem, this may be another attempt to throw something at the wall and see if it sticks.
Dorothy Corrigan
August 28, 2024 at 11:33 am
I thought that the list of 9 city locations for camping/squatting were removed from consideration when the City Council voted earlier in the month?
Dorothy Corrigan
September 1, 2024 at 1:45 pm
Please correct this article. The Council voted against camping on all public property. The 9 sites you mention were included and are no longer on the list for proposed homeless camping locations because there is no list. Give a call to your Council rep and get the correct facts.
Julie Friske
August 28, 2024 at 4:01 pm
It’s funny how the city council can sit there and tell people not to be homeless and they make laws. And rules that the homeless have to follow. But what they don’t do is effectively lower rents. So people who in one bedroom don’t have to pay a $1000 a month and in 2 bedrooms. They have to pay thirteen hundred 22 thousand five hundred dollars. Most elderly, including myself who as of the 30 first, will be homeless. It just doesn’t seem like they can do anything for the homeless. It’s up for complaining and make laws. So they have to pay tickets they can’t afford to start with. I think the entire city council should have to walk into lacrosse with the close on their backs. And maybe another outfit in the sandwich and see if they can hack it without attempt without a place to stay with getting tickets for sleeping in a park, getting tickets for having a tent in a park to keep cool I. Bet you any money if they had to do that. Did they would understand just the tad more what these people go through. You cannot sleep in your car either that is all sort or miss. That is against everything so as long as here in lacrosse county, you cannot be homeless in stay anywhere.
I have been looking for an apartment for over a year. And none is low enough for me to be able to forget on $1092 a month.
So here are sitting i Again for the second time being homeless. But now I am disabled.
In a wheelchair and 64 years old.
If you can help I’ll take all the help I can get. I have gone to all the Chloe. Tap my church 211 and ADRC and I’m still gonna be homeless.
Isn’t that nice.
August 28, 2024 at 6:44 pm
Why did my daughters rent for her 945 sq ft appt go from 1550 to 2300..bidonomicks? -are u crazy when you say u want to help -ppl..she is a single mom..a nurse if 2 autistic kids…you are so delusional
Terry L Bell
August 28, 2024 at 8:56 pm
Buy the homeless bus tickets south, and make them someone else’s problem. Texas and Florida come to mind as possible destinations.
August 29, 2024 at 3:02 am
Yep let’s send them away to another city just because it makes you uncomfortable looking at them.
The city is procrastinating. They are taking their time and they are blowing smoke up our butts when they say they have a 5 year plan. I read the Pathways Home plan. It has a lot of fancy graphs and photos and statistics. No real game play here. The 8 points of the plan are actions that the county and city human services dept should already be doing. For example outreach. They already do outreach and part of this is to learn the names of those outside and to individualize each case for mental health services. Well duh! They should already be doing this. I can’t stress enough the disappointment I have in our local gov.
I’m not asking for handouts to be given. I come from a military family background and was raised with hard work and a strong back bone. But not all are able to work. Please stop grouping everyone into one melting pot. Each person is there for whatever reason. Abuse at home or health complications made them decide life saving medicine or a home. And each one of them shouldn’t have to be without secure safe affordable housing. Bottom line that is a starting point is we need lower rental properties and landlords who stop hoarding property for the college. There too many faucets to this issue. I just want everyone to be happy in this town and get along if you can’t get along the mind your business if it’s not immediately directly affecting your sunshiny day!
R Head
August 29, 2024 at 12:43 pm
Maybe Jana yard would be a good place to camp
Karen Corrigan
August 29, 2024 at 10:56 am
Mr. Shaw, your research team provided you with misinformation. The city council did “not” adopt the suggestion to use the 9 local parks, etc. to house those living in encampments. That was decided on 8 August 2024 and published in local news sites, as well as available on the city council’s youtube video of that special meeting on 8 August 2024.