As I See It

Deciding Joe Gow’s fate shouldn’t take this long



The wheels of justice sure turn slowly in the world of higher education. It was way back in December when Joe Gow was fired as chancellor of UW La Crosse for producing pornographic videos. It took until June of this year before the UWL Faculty Committee brought charges against Gow. In July, the committee recommended, unanimously, firing Gow from his teaching position and revoking his tenure after holding a hearing. But that was still not the final word. Another hearing is scheduled before the University’s Board of Regents committee on personnel matters later this month, when Gow will be given one final chance to appeal the decision to terminate his employment with the university. That will be on September 20th. There will be a hearing in open session, followed by deliberations in closed session.  That still won’t be the final word. The committee will then forward its recommendations to the full Board of Regents which will make what presumably will be the final decision. It is not clear when that decision will come, but the Regents are not scheduled to formally meet until September 26th. That is a full nine months after Gow was dismissed as Chancellor. It is time to fish or cut bait. Gow continues to draw a taxpayer-funded salary while all this plays out. It shouldn’t take nine months to decide if a university employee gets to keep his job.


  1. Roy

    September 5, 2024 at 8:08 am

    I wouldn’t worry about Joe during the proceedings. I’m sure he can stick it out.

  2. Come On Man

    September 5, 2024 at 8:19 am

    Bravo, Mr. Shaw
    Every once in a while, you get something right.
    Some could say that even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then.
    I will just say congratulations, you sound like a conservative by asking the obvious question of why we are still paying Mr. Gow? (Unlike your kiss the ring comment)
    This is the same UW system who can’t put this issue to rest in a timely manner and the same UW system that wants millions of dollars to deal with the lack of student enrollment!
    (Less students should mean less teaching staff?)

  3. Libertarian Guy

    September 5, 2024 at 11:19 pm

    Applause worthy. You got it right this time. But beware. You just pointed out the inability of government to manage money, how slow government is to act, the waste, the inherent problem with the government run education system versus responsible fiscal management by private sector education. You do sound like a conservative, actually worried about runaway, wasteful spending, and the crazy gift of a nine month paid vacation for professor Gow at Wisconsin taxpayer expense.

  4. walden

    September 6, 2024 at 12:11 pm

    Cognitive dissonance, anyone? The WIZM editorial is authored by the same guy that backs unlimited spending for the UW system and all its protected classes.

    Teaching should be the greatest profession. But there are too many incapable teachers, led by administrators who are no more than politicians feathering their multi-million dollar retirement benefits at taxpayer expense.

    Teachers are protected by unions. Administrators are hired with multi-year employment contracts that make it almost impossible to fire them without going through a torturous and expensive process (Gow). Yet the skill level of these administrators is less than the ordinary business executive. The system is politicized and corrupt. And that is one major reason out of many why public education continues to fail.

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