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As I See It

Tonight’s debate is must-see TV



Much has changed since June 27. That was the night of the first presidential debate of the campaign season. In the weeks since, Joe Biden has dropped out of the race, Kamala Harris has replaced him and has made up ground in the polls. Tonight, the two will face off in their first, and perhaps only debate. Back in June I argued that the debate didn’t matter, because people already knew who they would be voting for. Boy, was I wrong. Tonight’s debate may matter even more. We have not seen the two of them on stage together, and both candidates have a chance to get a boost in the sprint to election day, or have a Biden-like performance and turn off voters. For Trump, it seems to be about temperament. He has insulted Harris repeatedly, and risks alienating undecided voters if he brings his bullying to the debate stage. Harris needs to show that she is ready, and clearly define her stance on the issues important to Americans. Both must show that they are the better person for the job and that they have a command of the issues, and a plan to solve them. That makes tonight’s debate must-see TV.

Scott Robert Shaw serves as WIZM Program Director and News Director, and delivers the morning news on WKTY, Z-93 and 95.7 The Rock. Scott has been at Mid-West Family La Crosse since 1989, and authors Wisconsin's only daily radio editorial, "As I See It" heard on WIZM each weekday morning and afternoon.

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1 Comment

  1. Roy

    September 10, 2024 at 8:02 am

    You’re aware that Sunday’s NY Times/ Sienna poll had Trump by 1 point..exactly where things were at the end of July. This, after all the media hype about Harris, the Dem convention and the millions the Dems and their PACs spent on TV. It all resulted in……nothing. She’s an empty pantsuit.

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